HERMES-SP will be carried out along 36 months, organized into 8 work packages (WPs).

WP1 – Management. This WP will oversee the overall management of the project, be it either financial, technical supervision or administrative issues.
WP2 – Mission definition. This work package is devoted to the review and consolidation of the HERMES-SP mission requirements. Starting from the definition of the mission scenario and of the scientific objectives, the project requirements will be derived up to a subsystem level for both the space segment and the ground segment. These sets of requirement will serve as basis and guidelines for the subsequent design phase.
WP3 – Design review. The main objective of this task is the mission design. Starting from the requirements developed in WP2, both the space and the ground segment will be designed in detail. Basing on the results arisen in this work package, the requirements derived in WP2 will be updated.
WP4 – Payload procurement and implementation. This work package includes all the activities in preparation for the final Assembly, Integration, and Testing (AIT) of the project space segment (WP7) for what concerns the payload system.
WP5 – Service module procurement and implementation. This work package includes all the activities in preparation for the final Assembly, Integration, and Testing / Verification (AIT/AIV) of the project space segment (WP7), for what concerns the service module. Also, in this phase the main on board software will be developed, in preparation for the final HW/SW integration in the AIT/AIV phase.
WP6 – Ground segment implementation. This work package is dedicated to the implementation of the mission ground segment. It includes ground station network, the Mission Operation Centre (MOC). And the Scientific Operation Centre (SOC).
WP7 – Integration and tests. This work package is dedicated to the execution of the Assembly, Integration, and Testing / Verification (AIT/AIV) activities of the HERMES-SP project. The main test and verification activities at system level will be carried out in order to qualify the full system in preparation for the possible launch.
WP8 – Project awareness and exploitation. This WP will be responsible for the dissemination and exploitation of the project outcomes. Central part will be the targeted communication activities to all interested and relevant stakeholders. It will also cover the exploitation actions of the proposal for further future research and technology use.