Posted by: Marco Citossi
HERMES payload flight model integration into SpIRIT satellite

The SpIRIT satellite (a 6U funded by the Australian Space Agency and managed by University of Melbourne, hosts among its payloads an X-ray/gamma ray spectrometer and an S band antenna and S-band tranceiver identical to those equipping the HERMES-SP/TP constellation, in the framework of and ASI-UoM Agreement.
The HERMES X-ray/gamma-ray spectrometer FM has been integrated, tested and calibrated at FBK and INAF-IAPS premises during 2022. Environmental tests have been performed at INAF-IAPS and INFN SERMS in June 2022. On board firmware has been developed by INAF-IASF-Pa and on board software by IAAT University of Tubingen, both derived from HERMES-SP/TP.
The S-band system has been integrated and tested by SKYLABS.
Both the HERMES X-ray/gamma-ray spectrometer FM and S-band system FM have been shipped to University of Melbourne during the past weeks.
Integration tests of the HERMES X-ray/gamma-ray spectrometer FM into the SpIRIT service module have been successfully performed by INAF-EKUT-UoM teams during three weeks from July 4th to July 22nd. Work will proceed in the next weeks/months with the goal of achieving a qualification/acceptance review of the integrated satellite by the end of 2022 for a launch in April 2023
The following figures show the HERMES FM payload during integration at University of Melbourne in July 2022.