Sep 25

HERMES Payload Front-End breadboard passes cross-talk test

Experimental activity, carried out in the framework of both ASI led HERMES-Technological Pathfinder and H2020 HERMES-Scientific Pathfinder projects, is proceeding quickly with the integration and testing of the Payload Front-End breadboard. The board includes two key elements of the detector system, the X-ray detectors (Silicon Drift Detectors, SDDs, designed by INFN-Trieste and Università di Udine […]

May 25

HERMES-SP 2nd management meeting

The HERMES-SP 2nd management meeting took place at the Aerospace Department of Politecnico di Milano, on May 22-23, 2019. Partner’s delegates and work package leaders updated the team on the work progress. Strategies and plans were discussed and optimised in view of the 12th month project milestone.

May 12


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Feb 3

GAGG Scintillator crystal tested

In January 2019 our team has performed irradiation tests on the GAGG scintillator crystal that will be used in the X- and γ-ray detector on board HERMES-SP.  The tests have been performed in the research room of the Trento Proton Therapy  Centre of TIFPA.    The pictures show the GAGG(Ce) crystals and the experimental setup.     […]

Nov 21


The HERMES-SP project has officially started on 1/11/2018, with the kick-off meeting held at INAF-IAPS at CNR Headquarters in Rome on Nov 21-22, 2018. Delegates of all Partner companies were present.

Nov 6

HERMES: nano-satelliti per Astrofisica delle Alte Energie

Il progetto HERMES-Scientific Pathfinder (SP) è stato selezionato dalla Commissione Europea tra i vincitori del recente bando Horizon 2020 SPACE-20-SCI. HERMES-SP è coordinato da Fabrizio Fiore dell’Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) ed è basato su una collaborazione internazionale che include, oltre l’INAF, l’Università di Cagliari, il Politecnico di Milano, le Università di Trieste, Udine, Ferrara, […]

Nov 6

Nano-satelliti a caccia di esplosioni cosmiche

Il progetto Hermes-Scientific Pathfinder (Sp), finanziato nel bando Horizon 2020 Space-20-Sci, è un progetto straordinariamente innovativo a fronte di costi relativamente ridotti e prevede la realizzazione di tre nano-satelliti, equipaggiati con rivelatori in banda X ad alta tecnologia e di piccole dimensioni. La costellazione Hermes-Sp dedicata all’osservazione di Gamma Ray Burst (Grb), sarà in grado […]


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