Sep 26

New Quality Manager

September 14 2020 Dr. Natalia Auricchio, INAF-OAS, has been appointed as new HERMES-SP and HERMES-TP Payload Quality Manager. Among her duties: drafting the Product Assurance Plan and devising and reviewing specifications for payload elements, subsystems, integration procedures and tests. Natalia has a long experience in the field of High Energy Astrophysics instrumentation and product assurance for […]

Jul 27

Integration of HERMES detector system at FBK Labs

The activities of integration and test of the hermes payload resumed at FBK labs starting from the beginning of June 2020 with the preparation of the jigs needed for the integration, and the finalization of the procedure for the SDD reinforcement.  Schedule (Jul. 27 – Sept. 11) 1 Crystal Wrapping & crystal box assembly 2020 […]

May 17

Spirit & HERMES, a new partnership for innovative space science and technology

  The SpIRIT (Space Industry Responsive Intelligent Thermal) project, led by Michele Trenti, from the University of Melbourne, has been awarded a $3.95 million Australian Government grant. The funding from the International Space Investment Expand Capability Program will allow researchers to build a small satellite –  SpIRIT – to be launched in space by 2022 in collaboration with multiple Australian […]

May 15

Mid term milestone reached!

The HERMES-SP project reached its mid term milestone the last April 30 2020.The following 10 documents were prepared and submitted on the EC portal for a total of more than 1000 pages: D1.4 Interim periodic report M1-M18 WP1 INAF D3.1 Payload Design Document WP3 INAF D3.2 Design Definition File (Space Segment) WP3 POLIMI D3.3 Design […]

May 1

M18 project milestone reached!

On April 30th, 2020, despite the covid-19 epidemic, HERMES-SP has successfully met the M18 project milestone. Bravo! to all out scientists, engineers, students and all the HERMES-SP team for making this possible. Now heading forward to the launch! Next destination: Space.

Apr 1

Integration of HERMES detector system at FBK Labs

We are pleased to announce that all elements of the HERMES detector system demonstration module (DM) are in house at Fondazione Bruno Kessler  (FBK), and our team is looking forward to start the assembly.  Integration and test of the detector system were planned to take place at FBK  Labs during March and April 2020.  The […]

Jan 23

HERMES-SP Payload Meeting @ UniUd

The Mathematics and Physics Department of the University of Udine hosted the HERMES-SP team on the occasion of the Payload Meeting on January 22-23, 2020. Payload and system scientists planned the next steps of the testing and integration of the HERMES payload.


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